ECTS-database Plantijn Hogeschool

1 Alsem - 1AL - Onderdelen - Marketing en sales

O.O. heeft componenten: Neen
Afstudeerrichting: AL:Alsem
Code: AL002
Academiejaar: 2009-2010
Type: kern
Niveau: inleidend
Programmajaar: 1
Periode binnen het modeltraject: Module 1
Aantal studiepunten: 4
Wegingscoëfficient: 4
Totaal aantal contacturen: 31
Totaal studietijd: 104
Deeltijds programma: deel 1
Examencontract: mogelijk
Deliberatie: mogelijk
Vrijstelling of overdracht: mogelijk
Onderwijstaal: Engels
Lector(en): Stroobandt Patrick


This course will be an introduction to marketing. With global examples and completely up-to-date with the latest marketing techniques. We take a look at the major decisions that marketing managers face in their efforts to balance an organisation's objectives and resources against needs and opportunities in the global marketplace.

Times are changing...the enlargement of the EU and "the war on terror", huge demographic changes , electronic interconnectedness all this will increasely change the mind of marketers when making key marketing decisions. Let us take a look..

 Dit opleidingsonderdeel draagt in het bijzonder bij tot het realiseren van volgende opleidingsdoelen (eindtermen)

Algemene competenties

    Algemene beroepsgerichte competenties
      Beroepsspecifieke competenties

        1. The student can define marketing and discuss its core concepts.
        2. The student can describe the principles of socially responsible marketing.
        3. The student can describe the marketing management process.
        4. The student can describe the environmental forces that affect the company's ability to serve its customers.
        5. The student can construct a simple model of buying behaviour.
        6. The student can list and define the steps in the business buying decision process.
        7. The student can describe the four steps in the marketing research process.
        8. The student can define market segmentation and targeting.
        9. The student can define differentiation and market positioning.
        10.The student can define customer value and discuss its importance in creating and measuring customer satisfaction and company profitability.
        11. The student can define the term product .
        12. The student can describe the stages of the product life cycle.
        13. The student can compare and evaluate the general approaches to price setting.
        14. The student can explain how priceing decisions are influenced by the product mix.
        15. The student can name and define the four tools of the promotion mix.
        16. The student can explain why companies use marketing channels and discuss the functions these channels perform.

        Opleidingsonderdelen waarvoor voorafgaand credits dienen behaald te zijn

        Opleidingsonderdelen die vooraf dienen gevolgd te zijn

        Andere begincompetenties
        Knowledge of English
        • Marketing and the marketing process.
        • The marketing setting.
        • Core strategy.
        • Product.
        • Price .
        • Promotion.
        • Place.

        P. Kotler ea, Principles of Marketing, Fourth European Edition, Prentice Hall .

        Soort werkvorm uren  


        hoor- en werkcolleges:




        practicum en oefeningen:




        vormen van groepsleren:




        studietijd buiten contacturen:




        Verdere toelichting:

        We'll also include cases to apply our theoretical concepts.

        The students will visit an advertising agency and will propose solutions to an actual client problem.


        Eerste examenperiode
        • Written exam 15/20: open questions and case 
        • Group assignments. The students will get tasks they need to solve in groups. Outcomes might need to presented. Lecturer and peer assessment. 5/20 Students who don't participate in the group assignments (even in 1 of them) will be scored 0/5. Active participation is crucial for success.

        tijd voor examinering


        Tweede examenperiode
        • Written exam 20/20 : open questions and case